Reach for the Sun!

Sprout long sun

by Sean Herbert

“Why should I eat Sprouts?” It has been my continued pleasure to answer people’s questions on Sprouts and Sprouting, and invariably this question is usually the first to pop up. I could recite the health benefits, mineral and vitamin contents, but I usually like to start with a simple question: “Do you know where pharmaceutical companies get most of their ideas for new drugs? PLANTS!

11232177_701206633316690_6130132148507845783_nYou can’t patent a Sprout, so why not take some of the good attributes and make a synthetic copy that generates billions of dollars? Makes sense right? So, why do we silly creatures try to perfect what is already perfect? We are environed organisms, and everything our body needs is naturally occurring (or growing) around us. Why not receive perfect nutrition instead of taking a pill or supplement containing one or two parts of the whole?

So what makes Sprouts so Great? It’s not the vitamins, the nutrients or the fact that it’s easily absorbed and digested by the body. (All of which are reason alone to include Sprouts in your daily diet.) What is most important is the ENERGY, the LIFE FORCE, the MIRACLE that the SUN, EARTH and WATER infuse and transform a dormant seed into a vibrant Sprout!

Imagine a dormant seed placed in the fertile organic soil of the rainforest. First, the growing process is activated by the rainfall and nourished by the soil. Once exposed to the SUN, the life force explodes into liquid energy called chlorophyll using the process called photosynthesis or SUN INFUSED! Photosynthesis, from the Greek (photo) “light” and (synthesis) “putting together,” is a process used by plants and other organisms to covert the light energy captured from the sun into chemical energy that can be used to fuel the organism’s activities. Photosynthesis is vital for all aerobic life on Earth. In addition to maintaining normal levels of oxygen in the atmosphere, photosynthesis is the source of energy for nearly all life on earth, either directly, through primary production, or indirectly, as the ultimate source of energy in their food.

11402487_692651917505495_1692126794307136858_oHave you ever heard a scientist say, “If we could harness a percentage of the sun’s energy, we could fuel the world forever.” The average rate of energy captured by photosynthesis globally is immense, approximately 130 terawatts, which is about six times larger than the power consumption of human civilization. Think of a Sprout as a battery infused by the sun’s energy—a literal alkaline battery to fuel the human body with liquid sunshine! Compare a Sprout to a young child… You can virtually see the energy bursting from each. A Sprout contains SIX times the energy of a dormant seed. Personally, I think children possess even more! What do all the parents say about their children? “I wish I had their energy.” Maybe you just need the right fuel. The next time you go shopping, reach for Sprouts…and reach for the SUN!


Sean and Jody Herbert own and operate GOT SPROUTS? The store phone number is (561) 689-9464 or you can visit They deliver from Jupiter to Boca Raton and ship throughout the continental United States.

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