Florida Atlantic University’s John D. MacArthur Campus in Jupiter was honored with the 2013 Tree Campus USA® recognition by the Arbor Day Foundation for its commitment to effective urban forest management.
A New Year’s Garden in the Making What to Plant January 2014
Break out your watering cans and pruning shears because it’s January in the Florida Garden!
The Miracle That Is a Flower
Ever noticed a flower that almost looks like a bull’s-eye? That’s no coincidence. Circular patterns, lines and “landing strips” can literally point to the sweet treats within.
Building an Herb Garden Fit for the Tropics
Herb garden enthusiasts here in Florida have a lot to contend with when we grow our gardens. Not only do we occasionally see freezes and frosts, we have the harsh sun—and in south Florida—the tropical humid climate with which to work.
South Florida Butterflies Losing Ground
Pipevine swallowtail. Red-spotted purple. Long-tailed skipper. Many Florida butterflies are even more spectacular than their names suggest. Several species of butterflies, however, are in serious decline, particularly in South Florida.