
Preventative Green Termite Solutions – Protect Your Home and Planet
Preventative Green Termite Solutions – Protect Your Home and Planet

Preventative Green Termite Solutions – Protect Your Home and Planet

Termites can be difficult to detect, and, because they are such insatiable feeders, most homeowners do not notice them until there is a severe infestation. The best course of action is to avoid an infestation altogether by implementing a preventative treatment. There are two great treatments to prevent subterranean termites from eating your home that are both environmentally sensitive.

Let’s Wish Upon Our Star
Let’s Wish Upon Our Star

Let’s Wish Upon Our Star

Life on our planet is solar powered. Plants are the original solar collectors and are the basis of the food chain. The amazing diversity of life on our planet (including us) is made possible by our nearest star, the sun. There is an unimaginable amount of clean energy available to us from this source. We just need to take advantage of if.

School Lunch – What Local Can Mean For Our Kids
School Lunch – What Local Can Mean For Our Kids

School Lunch – What Local Can Mean For Our Kids

Over 90% of school-age children eat lunch at school. Forty percent eat a snack at school and 20% eat breakfast at school. Our kids are preparing for their adult life at school. What life lessons are they learning about food and nutrition? Some statistics point to the need for changes in our school food programs.

Monster Mosquitoes? Protect Yourself This Summer!
Monster Mosquitoes? Protect Yourself This Summer!

Monster Mosquitoes? Protect Yourself This Summer!

Your first priority should be preventing mosquitoes from breeding around your home. To do this, empty standing water from flower pots, bromeliads, buckets and barrels; change the water in pet dishes and replace the water in bird baths weekly; drill holes in tire swings so water drains out; and keep children’s wading pools empty and…