Almonds have always been known as a healthy snack for people who need a middle-of-the-day energy boost but are watching their carb intakes. It’s more than just about watching your carbohydrate intake, however. Almonds are healthy, taste great, are incredibly versatile, and can be incorporated into your breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert—not just as a snack.
Savory Scallions
Something I always keep in the fridge is a bunch of scallions. Not only do they taste great in everything, they are also good for you.
It’s About Thyme!
Thyme is an herb from the Mediterranean, where it is used ornamentally, medicinally and incorporated into their diet. Most of the thyme plant has been used in medicinal practices for a long time. The flowers, oil, and leaves have all been used for various treatments: arthritis, diarrhea, sore throat, stomach aches, etc.
Colorful Cherries Can Brighten Your Day
One of my fond memories of cherries is picking them off the tree and eating them. Oh my, I just love the dark cherries! I know this is not the healthiest, but my mother would put a scoop of ice cream in a bowl, top it with whipped cream, then drop a cherry right on top. Since then, I’ve associated cherries with dessert. After all, they are sweet and decadent.
Crazy Cabbage
Cabbage is often one of the vegetables that gets ignored or forgotten. Except for St. Patrick’s Day, they normally just sit in the produce section in peace. But I’m here to open your eyes just a little to the wonderful world of cabbages.
Rosemary Rocks
Native to the Mediterranean region, rosemary is one of my favorite herbs and for good reason—it has an amazing taste, and the aroma is delightful.
The Dirty Dozen…and the Clean Fifteen
So what is the “Dirty Dozen”? Isn’t that just an old Western movie? The “Dirty Dozen” is a list of the most pesticide-laden vegetables and fruits on the market.
Meal Planning for the New Year
When it comes to eating healthy, there are a few different schools of thought. However, despite all the differences, one thing is always agreed upon: it’s healthier to cook at home, from scratch.
Spectacular Spinach
I am never without spinach in my refrigerator or freezer. Luckily for my parents, I’ve always loved spinach. They did a great job weaving it into our dinners. Lucky for me, spinach is great for our overall health. Dark leafy greens in general are a great source of antioxidants and other heart and cardiovascular health.
Weight Loss Veggies
Incorporating vegetables and fruits into your diet is a must; more so if you’re trying to lose weight. If you’re looking to drop a few pounds, here are some vegetables that can help.