Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations

by Reverend Lindsay Babich

“I’m pickin’ up good vibrations…” Whatever age you are, you’ve probably heard the 1966 Beach Boys song “Good Vibrations.” It is one of the happiest tunes of our time. So, what are vibrations? We are literally bathed in them and are rarely aware. Every time you turn on a television, computer, cellphone, light, take an MRI or a bath, you are experiencing vibrational reality. To quote Einstein, “It can be no other way.”

It’s all FREQUENCY! It is logical to ask if there are really “good vibrations” and, conversely, “bad vibrations.” As a Vibrational Healing practitioner, my educated answer is no, there are not good or bad, there are low and high vibrations. Taking off my science hat, I will say without reservation that we all know what bad vibrations feel like as well as the coveted good ones. Scroll in your social media to find a puppy photo and voilà—you feel the vibratory response of happy…aww… Hear a story of pain or tragedy and experience the heartache associated with low vibrations. We all know that our emotional responses dramatically impact our physical body. The medical community recently confirmed that there is a legitimate diagnosis of “broken heart syndrome.” (Medically: Takotsubo Myopathy) On the rise during the pandemic, it is thought to be caused primarily by emotional stress or loss. A friend’s parents whose oldest son died at a very young age while in college never recovered from the loss. Family and friends would often say, after they passed, that they died of broken hearts. The physiological explanation is stress causing changes in hormones in the body impacting an organ—the heart.

If we concede that our emotional/vibrational state impacts our physical bodies, it begs the question, “What can we do about it?” How do we heal something we cannot see? And, if the stresses come from inside (emotional/physical/mental) and outside (environmental, diet, injuries, etc.), what can we do to participate in or create our own healing?

All Healing is Self-Healing

Very often clients come to me and ask, “Can you heal me?” My answer is always, “No, that’s your job!” One simple way to think of this concept it to imagine a broken bone. The doctor makes certain the bone is in place to heal correctly and immobilizes it while YOU HEAL IT – it’s an inside job. Vibrational techniques can support that self-healing task.If you have a cat that purrs invite kitty to drape over the area with the break and know that the vibrations from purring have been proven scientifically to encourage bone growth. If you don’t have a kitty, your orthopedic doctor may send you home with vibrational equipment to create that purr.

Cute newborn kitten asleep on the human’s hands close-up

Classic healing vibrations persist in our culture…like Love. When a child asks, “Kiss and make it better (sniff).” There is a scientific basis for the relief felt and initiation of self-healing. There is a chemical and hormonal cascade that results from the kiss that allows the body to move out of the trauma state by feeling safe and cared for.

Concerned Afro-American father squatting next to his kid while checking his knee for injuries

Kiss and Make It Better

Love and caring transfer vibrations. The HeartMath Institute that studies the existence, sources and changes in vibrational states in people, animals and the planet have shown that Appreciation (rather than the more complicated “love”) produces a coherence state between brain and heart to optimize physical, emotional and mental health. They use biofeedback equipment to teach the coherence technique. Their vibrational measuring equipment is placed around the world to measure large areas of populations to reveal what the vibrational state of humanity. The emotional-vibrational shifts that occur in response to world events are dramatically evident. While you may not watch the news, the vibrational “fall-out” from world events will be felt by every cell in your body.

In my work as a Healing Touch and Reiki practitioner, I’ve trained to use the energy centers in the palms of my hands to feel energetic imbalances and to influence the energetic state to support the optimization of the “Good Vibes” that promote health and wellness. The results are experienced by the client and can be felt as reduced pain, lower blood pressure, less anxiety, more comfort and self-healing.

Energy healing treatment . Alternative medicine concept.

Advances in Medical Technology

As a science-geek. I know that the hands-on work and the results remain in a non-specific category—general treatment—as opposed to what I have discovered in new technology through my own experience with debilitating back pain. There is nothing like pain to motivate one to look for unique solutions. I am not a “pill-popper” and resist treating pain with medication. Doctors had already diagnosed bulging disks and pinched nerves and offered steroids or surgery. Neither option made me happy or hopeful.

When a friend offered me a session with a new, high-tech German frequency device I jumped at the chance (any chance) to end my pain. The device released in the United States in May of 2020 is a Class 2 Microcurrent Medical Device that has been cleared by the FDA for local relief of acute, chronic, arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. While no other claims can be made, this system (the device and the frequency apps it delivers) provides many non-medical applications for addressing frequency imbalances on all levels of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual existence.


Derived from professional medical frequency equipment in Europe in use for over fifteen years, the device offers program category groups with tried and tested application sets. Supported by a quantum sensor in the device programs are delivered to your personal need. I like to say that it is my best friend as it offers my body ONLY what it truly wants and needs.

Healy is a small and practical, wearable device (controlled by your smartphone or tablet) that used Individualized Microcurrent Frequency programs to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field to support holistic health, wellbeing and vitality.

I use mine daily and (this is the really cool part) energy knows no distance or boundaries. I can use the Resonance programs of Healy to send vibrations remotely to friends and family around the world. I’ve supported energetic harmonization for ADHD, tremors, wounds, motivation, anxiety, insomnia and more. Remember, neither I nor the Healy do any diagnosing, treatment or healing…ALL HEALING IS SELF HEALING. When your Bioenergetic Field is optimized, harmonized, infused and balanced, you have the basis to heal and thrive.

Just WOW!

Every day I learn more about my Healy and its benefits. I am studying Quantum Physics to gain a broader knowledge of how and why it works but all that is required for Healy to be effective is your clear intention to BE AND LIVE WELL.

For any who are ready to explore Healy, I offer a free Healy Analyse Resonance scan and the recommended vibrational applications. Click here to schedule.

Healy is customizable for each user as a basic edition can be upgraded at any time by simply adding additional program groups and specific programs. While pain may be your first issue up for self-healing, you may later want to add the program group for Mental Balance to increase contentment or the Sleep Group for insomnia. Once you’ve addressed your pain issues you may want to add the Fitness Group and sample the applications: Performance, Strength and Stamina. You can balance those Chakras too and address nutritional imbalances with the Digital Nutrition module. There’s even a new Module featuring Digital Ayurveda and the “Zapper Protocol.”

Healy for All

Let’s not forget our furr babies. Healy offers HealAdvisor Animal Module with recommended applications in one Module and adaptive accessories for use on animals. Animals, including horses, are very receptive to frequency sessions and often experience profound shifts of their energetic wellness.

You can experience Healy now. I affectionately call my Healy “a doctor in my pocket” – this is not a claim but my belief and experience. In my self-healing, Healy and I are a TEAM!

Are you ready to move into the age of vibrational medicine?

Over the next few months, I will be offering additional Healy knowledge. For now, please contact me with your interest and/or questions. Text “Energy” to (561) 944-2727

Click to Request additional Information about Healy.

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Rev Lindsay Babich of Vibrational Health is an interfaith minister with the Alliance of Divine Love, a Healing Touch Practitioner and Reiki Master. As a long-time student of Energy Medicine and Quantum Physics and the science of Essential Oils, she is immersed in the healing power of frequencies and quantum creation. As a Spiritual Medicine coach, she guides individuals in achieving their optimum health, wellness and joy.

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