The Egoscue Method

by Glenn R. Swift

A chemical and drug-free, holistic approach to pain relief therapy.

egoscueIMG_0528 (004)Countless millions of Americans suffer every day with chronic pain. Feeling trapped, most turn to quick “easy fixes,” like pain-killing drugs, but few get any real, long-lasting relief.

Until now.

“Most chronic pain treatment methods only address symptoms, but to feel better you need to focus on the source of your pain. That’s what the Egoscue Method is all about,” says Shawn Taker, owner of Egoscue Palm Beach Gardens.

Shawn began his career in physical therapy nineteen years ago after graduating from the University of Maine with a bachelor’s degree in exercise science. But it didn’t take long before Shawn knew that something wasn’t right.

“I was frustrated because people weren’t getting better. They might get temporary relief from one source of pain only to begin experiencing problems with another part of the body. So, I began searching for a solution.”

Egoscue pic FullSizeRender-1 (002)In early 2001, Shawn picked up a copy of The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion.

“Everything clicked. At the core of the Egoscue approach is the principle that pain exists because the body is out of balance. This might be the result of an injury, postural dysfunction or even from sitting too many long hours behind a desk. Any of these can knock your body out of alignment, causing pain, sleeping problems, and numerous other difficulties.”

How did the Egoscue Method come to pass? By someone who was highly motivated—by someone in pain.

The year was 1971, and Pete Egoscue was a young Marine Corps officer suffering from combated-related injuries, injuries for which he received the Purple Heart for his service in Vietnam. In severe pain, he was told by Navy doctors that he was suffering from “shell shock.” In other words, “it was all in his mind.” Well, after two trips to a psychiatrist, Pete Egoscue was getting depressed… and still very much in pain. Frustrated and with nowhere to turn, he decided to take charge of his own life by learning whatever he could about the human body. Egoscue then drove to the University of San Diego where he purchased an anatomy textbook.

Egoscue pic2It didn’t take long for Egoscue’s “Eureka Moment.”

“Pete quickly realized that the human body is symmetrical—perfect by design, and that most pain is the result of imbalance. So, he began researching exercises that could restore this balance. The great news is that the body has amazing regenerative power. The body really can heal itself if postural alignment is restored.”

Egoscue eventually became a renowned anatomical physiologist, and since establishing his first clinic in San Diego in the mid-70’s, tens of thousands have received permanent relief from pain, relief that is chemical and drug free, thanks to the Egoscue Method.

Taker, after finding out about Egoscue, jumped at the opportunity to establish a clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, where his wife Jessalynn serves as office manager. Shawn and his staff at the Gardens facility are all certified in the Egoscue Method, and Pete Egoscue himself occasionally drops in from his nearby residence in Jupiter.

“I’m doing what I love…helping people to live their lives pain-free and without limitations,” added Taker.

Egoscue picFullSizeRender-3 (002)So how does it work?

Your body’s design is perfect, but your lifestyle and activities can create limitations. So, the very first thing your Egoscue-certified therapist will do is to take an image of your postural alignment while you’re standing still and as you’re walking. This cutting-edge image equipment will immediately tell you “what’s out of alignment.” Then, your therapist will create a sequence of gentle exercises (“E-cises”) and stretches specifically designed to correct your posture. When done consistently (with regular input and updates), this personalized routine becomes your plan for success.

Don’t worry! We’re not talking about an intense, hours-long exercise regimen. In fact, most sessions last from 30 minutes to one hour.

But is there any evidence that the Egoscue Method really works?

There are endless testimonials on the Internet. But that, you might say, is anecdotal. Hold on… Stanford University, one of the world’s finest, is in the process of an intense research-based study on the Egoscue Method and its ability to reduce pain. The project should be completed by the end of the year, but the preliminary findings are startling.

“After just eight weeks, patients participating in the Egoscue program experienced a significant reduction in spine pain… On average, patients reported a 62% decrease in disability and 41% decrease in pain.”

“If you can commit to 25 minutes a day, you can change your life. If you can do more that’s even better, but the key is to trust your therapist and commit to the process,” said Taker.

What else do you need? An open-mind and comfortable clothes,” joked Taker.

So, it’s time to ditch your pills and cancel your appointment with the surgeon. Seek a whole new approach to pain relief therapy and begin a life without physical limitations with the Egoscue Method.

The Egoscue Method

Egoscue-logo-linear-color-1800x400 (003)2401 PGA Boulevard #134

Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

(561) 202-6741

Author’s note: “I’ve been suffering from acute pain from plantar fasciitis for several months and when interviewing Shawn for this story decided to ask him about what he could do for me. (Please know that I have always been a skeptic by nature. Perhaps that’s why I love academia!) Shawn said he could help me and put me in front of his amazing machine. Wow! Was I “out of alignment”! Incredibly, after just 15 minutes or so of performing some Egoscue E-cises, I could feel relief. And after being “re-imaged,” I could see significant improvement in my posure and in the way I walked. Consequently, I’ve been doing the e-cises ever since and can attest to a considerable reduction in pain. 

Sharon’s note: “The whole experience has been eye-opening, beginning with my initial consultation with Shawn Taker. Egoscue’s unique software allows you to see the changes in your posture with each session. Most impressive is the personalized app that comes with the program, which provides instruction about your individualized exercise program down to the very last detail. I’m now in my sixth week of treatment and have experienced consistent reduction in pain and increased mobility. I’m looking forward to getting back into a normal, pain-free routine.”     

3 thoughts on “The Egoscue Method

  1. Lawrence Yundt

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing and your efforts to remain in touch! Excellent growth!!! I’m in NC until Nov 1st and will check back with you when I return. Thanks Jes for your phone message. Cell service is atrocious in the NC woods. I have no idea when you will receive this text. I appreciate you all and am certain that your children are in school. My youngest is 22 and graduated from UCF this spring! All goes well!

  2. Arun Gujral

    Excellent,whole world should be your student,
    I have gotthoudand of results with egoscue methods.
    Great best wishes for Respected Mr Pete Egoscue

  3. Arun Gujral

    Egoscue method are fantastic for Pain Relief. I personally use this in our regular Free health camp.
    I salute our Respected Mr Pete Egoscue who gave this wonder therapy to the world.
    God bless you with more and more successful stories.
    With warm regards,

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