
CEO Connection with Jan Cairnes, Hanley Foundation
CEO Connection with Jan Cairnes, Hanley Foundation

CEO Connection with Jan Cairnes, Hanley Foundation

On Tuesday, July 9, the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce Small Business Advisory Council presented its CEO Connection featuring Jan Cairnes of the Hanley Foundation. Cairnes spoke passionately about her work with the Foundation and gave some practical advice as to the leadership qualities of a CEO. Her presentation was informative and inspiring.

CEO Connection: Dr. Barbara Abernathy
CEO Connection: Dr. Barbara Abernathy

CEO Connection: Dr. Barbara Abernathy

On Tuesday, January 29, the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce Small Business Advisory Council held its CEO Connection featuring Barbara Abernathy of the Pediatric Oncology Support Team. The event was well attended, and attendees walked away inspired by the extraordinary career and life of Dr. Aberanthy.