My name is Bryn. I am a social worker and a life coach for new moms. My business is called, The Wisdom Gardener. I am a fierce advocate of mental health. I feel strongly that we need normalize conversations about mental health, provide education, awareness and resources to support moms everywhere.
The Gift of Reading to A Child
Studies show that there are several variables inter-related in the development of a child. The variables include physical, cognitive, social, spiritual and emotional components. All these variables are crucial to a child’s development. However one of the most important variables is reading.
Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Seniors Standing Tall – Twelfth Graders Help Build a Home for Habitat for Humanity
The 12th graders of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School in Boca Raton did community service for Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit organization that offers affordable home ownership opportunities to hardworking and worthy families all around the world.
Baldwin Prep Visits Johnson History Museum in West Palm
the fifth through twelfth grades of North Palm Beach’s Baldwin Prep visited the renowned Richard and Pat Johnson Palm Beach County History Museum in downtown West Palm Beach.
5 Simple Ways to Be a “Natural Mama”
Five simple ways to be a natural mama…
School Lunch – What Local Can Mean For Our Kids
Over 90% of school-age children eat lunch at school. Forty percent eat a snack at school and 20% eat breakfast at school. Our kids are preparing for their adult life at school. What life lessons are they learning about food and nutrition? Some statistics point to the need for changes in our school food programs.