If you have ever considered dentures or currently are using dentures you may know of the many pitfalls that can come with them. Conventional dentures can cause difficulty with speaking or eating for some individuals. Stability, or lack thereof, can be a serious cause for concern in some patients. The AAP has mentioned that traditional dentures can cause a weakening or even a total loss of the jawbone. Unfortunately, until now, one of the best alternatives to traditional dentures has long been overwhelmingly expensive and therefore not a viable option for many people.
Let’s Put Both Feet In!
During the past two months, I experienced a convergence of events that had a tremendous impact on me as a woman.
But before I talk about that, let me introduce myself. My name is Ilene Leshinsky, and I am the founder of Find Body Freedom, the program I created for women who want to change their relationship with their bodies. If you’re a woman, you can probably relate to the insecurity we feel around body image and our relationship with food. If you’re a man, my guess is that you know one of these women.
The Egoscue Method
Countless millions of Americans suffer every day with chronic pain. Feeling trapped, most turn to quick “easy fixes,” like pain-killing drugs, but few get any real, long-lasting relief. Until now.
The Skinny on Infused Water
There are a great deal of questions about infused water these days. Why not just drink regular water? Is it really all that good for you? Is this a form of detoxing? What is infused water, really?
Pets and A Healthier You
Adopting a pet is beneficial for more than just a healthy, happy home. It’s good for your health, can help you with social anxiety, and is great for your quality of life. From your physical self to your emotional self, having a pet in your home is great for your whole well-being.
Weight Loss Veggies
Incorporating vegetables and fruits into your diet is a must; more so if you’re trying to lose weight. If you’re looking to drop a few pounds, here are some vegetables that can help.
How Important Is Your Breath?
Without food we can live for weeks, without water, only days….without breath humans die in minutes! Respiration gives us vital oxygen and expels toxic carbon dioxide, sustaining all life on earth. When the respiratory system is not functioning well, people may suffer severe effects.
The Skinny on Water
Dr. Oz, The Biggest Loser are only a few talking about “Fat Flush Water.” But how does water flush fat out of your system? Clearly, water is not some kind of magic potion or diet supplement. Our bodies needs enough water every day to keep hydrated and cleanse…
Pop the (36) Question(s)
There’s a lot of shortcuts you can take in life and love just might be one of them. Psychologist Dr. Arthur Arons may have just discovered a quick and fool proof way of falling in love. His experiment demonstrates it is possible to fall in love with just 36 questions.
‘Tis the Season to be Healthy
Happy New Year and Happy New YOU! If you are like most people, you have splurged during the holidays and are ready to pay the price for your actions! Sure you may have imbibed in holiday spirits, sampled every confection ever dreamed of…