by Sharon Quercioli
Remember when you were a kid and your bicycle was your mighty steed? It could take you anywhere you wanted to go as you pedaled fast and furiously up a hill, exhilarated by the wind whipping your hair when you coasted down. You might have raced your friends, tried to be a daredevil on jumps, and taken trips to all your favorite hangouts from childhood.
You can reclaim that joy in adulthood. Best of all, you’ll be doing something that is good for your health while you are having the time of your life. Discover the rewards you’ll reap when you get into the habit.
Cycling Can Help You to Beat the Battle of the Bulge
Got some pounds you’ve been trying to shed forever? Getting on your bicycle can take the weight off. The secret to losing weight really isn’t a secret. You simply have to fire up your metabolism to burn off more calories than you are consuming on a daily basis.
You could work off at least 400 calories when you cycle for an hour. If you’re really intense about your riding and fitness level, 1000 calories in an hour isn’t out of reach. Consider putting in a couple of hours a few days a week. Build up your stamina to increase the amount of time you put in while you are striving to reach your weight loss goals.
Choose locations you enjoy to get a change of scenery. Ride with a friend or partner to motivate yourself to go farther every time. If you’re more of a solitary person, take yourself on a joy ride that lifts your spirits each time you set off. The pounds will melt away more quickly than you could imagine.
Continue riding for pleasure. You’ll enjoy the added perk of maintaining a healthy weight.

Enjoy a Form of Exercise that’s Easy on Your Body
If you prefer or need exercise options that are low impact, cycling could be the answer for you. Pedaling is not going to cause wear and tear on your joints. You won’t be sending a damaging shockwave through your knees like you would if you were jumping or running.
Your muscles will get a good workout without straining yourself past your limits. You can go at a slow and easy pace every day or push yourself to work harder. How you approach cycling is completely up to you.

Give Your Heart a Boost
Cycling is one of the best forms of exercise to improve your cardiovascular health. You’ll put your heart to work, send more oxygen throughout your body, and benefit your blood pressure. If you’re looking for a way to keep your heart pumping well for years to come, hop on a bicycle.
Just remember to start gradually. You don’t have to turn yourself into a ProTour like the crew in the fascinating film All for One on fuboTV. It took these incredible racers from Australia five years of hard work and determination to reach their goal. Start one day at a time.
Decide how much time you want to spend on a bicycle. You can gradually build up your strength and staying power over time.

Improve Your Mental Health
Any kind of regular exercise can increase your endorphin levels. Your adrenalin will spike as well. Every time you take your bicycle for a spin, you’ll be able to distract yourself from your troubles. Breathe deeply in and out. Let go of stress. Take in the view.
Cycling can help you to grapple with depression and anxiety. You’ll find yourself looking forward to the release you experience every time you travel over the pavement, whether you choose smooth roads or take to the hills. You’ll feel refreshed when you’re done.
You’ll also notice that your problems may seem like they’ve been cut down to size. You could even come up with solutions while you pedal away.

How to Integrate Cycling into Your Regular Routine
You need to fit cycling into your routine to get the most out of it. All too often, people lose interest in fitness routines. They give up and fail to experience all the positive effects exercise has to offer. One of the most important things you need to do is create joy when you are riding your bicycle.
Choose places that lift your spirits. If you enjoy peace and quiet, find a rural road or a pleasant bike trail. Head for town or the city if you like the hustle and bustle that comes with a lot of activity surrounding you. Ride your bike to work in good weather if it’s a reasonable distance away. Grab your backpack or mount a basket on your bike when you need to grab a few items at the store.
Make cycling a family affair. This is your chance to spend quality time with the kids and your significant other. Look for opportunities to raise money while cycling. It will give you a reason to ride often as you prepare for a race. Check out any cycling clubs in your area. You’ll be able to meet new people, broadening your horizons, while you work your muscles.
Find your groove. When you truly love what you do for exercise, it won’t feel like work. Cycling could be the alternative you’ve been searching for in a fitness regimen.
Discover the Wonders Regular Cycling Has in Store for You
If you haven’t considered cycling as a daily workout, give it a whirl. Begin with a short ride if you haven’t been on a bicycle in a long time. Increase the length of your rides week after week. Choose a time that works for you so you won’t find excuses to avoid it.
The more you ride, the more you will look forward to it. You owe it to yourself to experience the exhilaration cycling can bring you when you give it a chance.