“Influential Women in Palm Beach County’s ”
by Sharon Quercioli
On Tuesday, February 2, the Business to Business for Women presented a great program: “Influential Women in Palm Beach County’s History” by Harvey Oyer III. Harvey, author, historian, storyteller, and attorney is a fifth generation Floridian and is descended from one of the earliest pioneer families in South Florida.
Harvey gave an amazing presentation! He captivated all of us, and we learned so many great things about these amazing women.
Thank you, Harvey, for sharing this wonderful story!
Business to Business For Women was founded in 2006 by Nancy Mobberley to help ladies build relationships that would support their growth professionally and personally. The vision was to create an organization unlike any other networking group, with a culture of warmth and intimacy and without the referral requirements of other groups. For more information, please email info@businesstobusinessforwomen.com.