by Reverend Lindsay Babich
I like to think of my biophoton emissions…my AURA…as my personal rainbow. It’s a happy thought.
I’ve been studying the human energy system since 2004 through my training as a Healing Touch practitioner and the more I learn, the more excited I get about our miraculous bodies. While we think of ourselves as distinct entities, we are infinitely connected and interact with everything and everyone through the electromagnetic field of the Universe.
The Aura has long been associated with the introduction of Eastern philosophies and practices to Western culture by the Beatles, Baba Ram Dass (Dr Richard Alpert) and many others during the 1960s and 70s—you know that era of peace, love, flower power and good vibes.
As youth culture was re-discovering that ancient wisdom,scientists were presenting and testing theories that would give us an understanding beyond the cemented “man as machine” model. Open exploration invited research into man as an interactive, multi-dimensional energy being.
For decades it was creative entertainment to go to New Age shops or fairs and have a special camera photograph your aura, are cording of the electromagnetic energies around the body. It was great fun to see your own aura.The photo was generally accompanied by a standard report describing what the distinct colors meant and perhaps a dedicated operator would describe the fields shape and integrity. What was not offered was evaluation of how state of the field might impact your health status.

Back to the scientists… Investigations into the esoteric nature of human bodies and the Universe are ongoing. Diverse fields from biology to quantum physics have tested theories and concepts providing a solid basis for the medical community to finally give the Aura and the energy body a“respectable”name, the Biofield. For the skeptics, there is now a medical billing code for “Biofield Disturbance.”
The traditional allopathic medical model recognizes symptoms and diagnoses a distinct disease then either operates or medicates to, eliminate symptoms. Root causes not presenting in a straight line to symptoms are often overlooked to the detriment of the patient.
Dr. Richard Gerber in the 1990’s in his book, Vibrational Medicine,boldly claimed that vibrational (frequency) medicine was the future of medicine.The dilemma he reported was that the medical establishment would not know how to make such a great shift.
During the decades following Gerber’s prediction, there has been a surgein study and interest in “Energy Medicine.” The systems of hands-on-healing have expanded from Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Reiki, The Brennan School, Donna Eden, The Reconnection, Body Talk, Prana Healing, breath work, to medical intuitives and more.
What the special camera records are colors representing the frequencies.Yes, colors have(are)frequencies and the Chakras (Sanskrit for Wheels),the energy centers of our bodies,have a color. The lower Chakras have lower frequencies colors,and the frequencies and colors elevate as you move up the body.
By this time,most people have seen some graphic representation of the seven main Chakras with their corresponding colors. In addition to the colors, these spinning energy vortices that extend (invisible to most) from the front of the body and the back, each Chakra has characteristics that that impact who and what we are and are feeling physically, mentally,emotionally and spiritually.

As an example, the Throat Chakra is a deep blue and, as you might suspect from the location, influences your ability to speak. If you are exceptionally shy or reluctant to speak, or on the other hand can’t shut up even when you should be listening, you may have an energetic imbalance in the Throat Chakra. The Chakras are also associated with organ systems in the body. A Throat Chakra imbalance may manifest as a physical issue with the thyroid.
In my training as a Healing Touch practitioner, I coincidentally had lots of work on my field by both students and professional practitioners and overtime “cured” my tendency to withhold my “truth” verbally—too shy to say what I was thinking or wanting.
I also addressed my long-standing thyroid condition.Of course, I don’t have a resident Healing Touch or Reiki person in tow with me everywhere I go, or each time I recognize a challenge, for instance, a stress response, brain fog, sleeplessness, digestive issues and more.I also don’t have a Kirlian photography outfit that would show me my aura on a regular basis. Even with that, interpretation would still be needed.With the incredible advances in science and technology however, I now have a device in my pocket that is about the size of a TicTac pack (2”x2”)that brings me the power to scan my Aura anytime and anywhere.
I also get a full report of what is happening energetically in real time.Remember that each Chakra has a color and color represents frequency. Well, my Aura device has a quantum sensor that “reads” those frequencies,measures and evaluates them and offers written guidance as to the issues that may be influencing the imbalance. For me, a person acutely interested in maintaining health, after seeing a report that I am exhibiting an imbalance in my field,my first question is how do I eliminate or mitigate the issue to avoid having it, perhaps overtime,manifest as a symptom or disease.

Well, my magic device and its associated applications and programs can then deliver frequencies that support corrections and balance in the field.This evaluation and addressing of any imbalance or lack can all happen in a matter of minutes.I can do this for myself and others (friends, clients, grandkids) in person and remotely. Remote energy transfer is a mental leap for many, and we have to leave it right now in the concept that in quantum, there is no space and no time. The premise is that we are all living in ONE BIG ENERGY FIELD. My high-tech, quantum device is a Healy. It the most amazing tool I have ever experienced for bringing healing on all levels into my life. It has also been, at times, miraculous in support the spiritual healing work I do with clients.
For OWW readers,I am offering AURA SCANS for free for the month of September. We can connect by phone, email or Zoom,and I will scan you,send your Aura Report,and then transmit (through the universal field and by intention) the frequencies to support balance and optimal energetic flow in your field. The goal is always OPTIMAL HEALTH. Get ahead of a potential diagnosis—support disease prevention by increasing your awareness of what is impacting your Divine birthright of PERFECT HEALTH.
Rev Lindsay Babich
Vibrational Health,an Alliance of Diving Love Healing Ministry Direct
Email: healygoodvibes@gmail.com
Phone: (561) 291-9127

Rev Lindsay Babich of Vibrational Health is an interfaith minister with the Alliance of Divine Love, a Healing Touch Practitioner and Reiki Master. As a long-time student of Energy Medicine and Quantum Physics and the science of Essential Oils, she is immersed in the healing power of frequencies and quantum creation. As a Spiritual Medicine coach, she guides individuals in achieving their optimum health, wellness and joy.