Tips for Going Green in Business

Tips for Going Green in Business

More companies are creating initiatives that target social issues, and environmental problems are a major issue. This has led many organizations to support initiatives to become greener. HBR reports how sustainability has become a mainstream topic in today’s business landscape—so much so, that over 2,000 companies have set goals to meet data-drive targets. In Europe, a third of all businesses have pledged to do their part in meeting Net Zero.

If you want to do your part in tackling climate change, pollution, and carbon emissions, here are just a few things you can do to make your business greener:

Tips for Going Green in Business

The EPA reports that paper and paperboards make up 21% of all municipal solid waste in the country. Going paperless is the best solution to countering this. One way to go paperless is by fully converting to a cloud platform. This means that files and communication will be stored electronically and can be accessed more easily than their paper counterparts. As Microsoft’s database platform OneDrive shows, a cloud platform can store anything from documents to videos, making it much collaborative compared to using physical documents.

Another option is to make all communications digital, ranging from only using emails to converting to digital business cards. Not only will these reduce paper waste, but it will make communicating and networking much faster. Doorway’s digital business cards allow new contacts to save a cardholder’s details, simply by scanning a QR code. This ensures that your contact details are saved and eliminates the risk of the card being lost or discarded. Companies can also immediately update the card if any changes occur, providing a much more streamlined customer experience.

Have Sustainable Packaging

For businesses that rely on products, packaging can be another way you are contributing to pollution. By using plastics that aren’t biodegradable, these materials will only end up in landfills. Everything from bubble wrap to poly mailers are culprits. Forbes explains how eco-friendly packaging can be prepared with a few simple steps, such as using plant-based plastics, honeycomb bubble wrap, and lessening unnecessary add-ons (like freebies and tape).

This doesn’t necessarily mean not putting effort into your packaging. By opting to go for a more minimalistic approach, your products will also look sharper. A good example of how eco-friendly packaging can be more inventive is the Zappo shoebox. The box can be cut up to form new objects that are usually plastic, like a smartphone holder. A little bit of effort in the packaging can make a big difference in turning your business greener.

Partake in Eco-Friendly Production

Manufacturing waste can play a major role in affecting the environment. Many factories operate on fossil fuels, increasing carbon emissions. And most chemicals used during the production process are also disposed of in an unsafe manner, leading to polluting surrounding environments that affect not only the ecosystem, but also the people living within the vicinity. Resources should be sourced ethically to prevent harm to the environment and to the people working with these products.

When choosing a manufacturer, it is important to vet the process they take when creating your products. Check how much carbon emissions they produce, the method in which they make things, and how they are sourcing their materials. While this may seem like a lot of work, committing to an eco-friendly production is just one of the things that will help keep the environment safe.

Donate to Relevant Causes

Becoming a green company must happen from inside and out. Once you have established sustainable practices within, it is time to do your part in making it possible outside your organization. Our past article titled “Practicing Kindness” explains how it is important to “pay it forward.” This means you should support nonprofits and organizations that are fighting for a better tomorrow. You can do this by donating money to the cause or collaborating with them for a fundraiser. The World Wide Fund for Nature is a great example of an organization making a difference, and they have many partnerships with businesses looking to become more sustainable.

For more articles on environmentalism, be sure to check out Our Wonderful World Media.

One thought on “Tips for Going Green in Business

  1. Peak Medical

    Thanks for bringing this up.
    To make your business greener, you can also consider buying used equipment. This way, you reduce CO2 emissions and save materials and energy. Also, by buying used equipment, you save money. You’d be surprised how much you can save on items that are as good as new just because someone else has owned that product before you.

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