by Sean Herbert
What you eat can be your best medicine or your slowest poison. We have all heard of the new popular weight-loss diets like the Paleo, Keto, and, of course, the Atkins diets. One thing they all have in common is the fact that if you continue following these plans, you are headed for an adverse health event. A better choice is what is now called the PLANT-Based diet, or what we have been calling THE LIVING FOOD LIFESTYLE. This is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle! Did you ever wonder why they call it a “DIE-It” in the first place?
The “raw-food diet” was coined in the 1800s by Dr. Maximilian Bircher-Benner who used raw apples to heal his jaundice. After reversing his symptoms, he began to experiment on eating various raw living plants, vegetables and fruits to discover their health benefits. Every animal on earth, if I’m not mistaken, eats basically a raw food or living food diet, but it took us to the 1800s to come up for a name for it? It seems we humans are a little slow to catch on.
The premise for this style of eating is to try to eat as much raw, living plants, vegetables, nuts, legumes and fruit with each meal without heating it over 108 degrees. The idea is to keep the living enzymes and nutrients in the food intact without killing it with heat and processing. Did you know that most raw food contains digestive enzymes? This helps us humans to process and assimilate the food easier to enjoy more ENERGY, life force and vitality. Most Americans on the Standard American Diet of processed, overcooked foods, spend over 50% of their daily energy digesting their food. What would you do with 50% more energy per day? Do you think you might heal faster if facing an adverse health challenge? Raw food curbs cravings and regulates blood sugar. Have you ever overeaten a salad or vegetable soup? Because of the water and fiber content of living food, your body naturally knows when to stop eating…hence promoting natural weight loss.
Understanding that health is more than just a diet fad is one of the most important realizations you can make about your health. Diet plays a large factor, and incorporating raw living foods like fresh sprouts, grains, nuts, seeds and fresh fruits and vegetables will provide your body with the most nutrient-dense foods. Also incorporating exercise, fresh air, sleep and a positive attitude will help ensure that you are doing the best you can to ensure your health.