by Sean Herbert
If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that nothing is permanent, and each day is a gift. What we focus on with the people that influence us, and the beliefs we hold and take for granted were certainly challenged.
During this time, I was fortunate to meet an amazing lady who helped me keep focused on what really matters. You see, one of my neighbors is a Holocaust survivor who experienced the ultimate test of humanity. Each day I’d look forward to walking my dog or getting the mail. She would always give me a quick greeting as she walked with her nurse, and it seemed I would always get a new perspective on life from my friendly sage.
One morning, at the beginning of the pandemic, we exchanged our morning pleasantries, and then she grabbed my arm to get my get my full attention. “Honey” she said, “Remember… do one positive thing every day and you’ll lead a Successful life!” I drove to work that day, taking to heart what she had said and imagining the treasure of life experience from whom that advice had originated. That evening, I brought her a Sprout Salad and Sprout Juice, and left a note with her nurse. “Dear Joyce,” it said, “I grow Sprouts to keep people healthy. Looking forward to your next 100 years!”
PS…One Positive Thing.
Got Sprouts?…The most nutritious food on the planet!
Got Sprouts?
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West Palm Beach, FL 33404
(561) 689-9464